Wiki解密!台參與WHA內幕曝光 中反對美售台黑鷹直升機

NOWnews 更新日期:2010/11/30 12:40 記者王宗銘/台北報導

維基解密」(WikiLeaks)引爆美國外交風暴,有關美中台關係的文件也曝光,其中一份日期註明為2009年4月30日、來自美國駐北京大使館的文件內容提到,對於當年5月台灣首次以觀察員參與世界衛生大會(WHA),中方某官員在一場工作午餐說,必須以最廣義的解讀一個中國作為後續諮商基礎,才能實現,也讓兩岸關係邁進一步,變得更好。另外,中國反對美國軍售台灣60架黑鷹直昇機與F16 C/D戰機。

這份編碼為「09BEIJING1176」 的文件提到,中方某官員在一場工作午餐中提到,台灣作為觀察員參與世界衛生大會(WHA)證明了,以最廣義的解讀一個中國作為基礎,才能實現,也讓兩岸關係邁進一步,變得更好(The agreement allowing Taiwan to participate as an observer at the World Health Assembly (WHA) meetings in Geneva in May was “one step forward” toward better cross-Strait relations and demonstrated what could be achieved through consultations based on “one China, very broadly interpreted,”XXXXXXXXXXXX)。

中方官員並在此次談話的結論中,升高中國對西藏與美軍售台灣「核心利益」的關切,提到可能使雙邊合作脫軌(Summary Continued: XXXXXXXXXXXX raised concerns over China’s “core interests” of Tibet and U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, which he said could “derail” bilateral cooperation)。

中方希望美方拒發達賴喇嘛簽證,或是求其次,不要與達賴舉行正式會談,歐巴馬總統也不要與達賴見面(Regarding the Dalai Lama, China hoped the United States would deny him a visa, and if not, then agree to hold no official meetings with him, including no meeting with President Obama)。

文件還顯示,中方官員表達,中國長期反對美國軍售台灣,尤其是先進武器的立場,中方關切的項目包括60架黑鷹直昇機與F16 C/D,美方回應說,相關軍售並無違反三公報一法,並促使中方採取步驟降低對台軍事部署(XXXXXXXXXXXX said. China had long opposed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, especially advanced weapons sales. China was concerned by reports of possible “very important” and “potent” arms sales to Taiwan, including 60 Blackhawk helicopters and F-16 C/D fighter aircraft. Such arms sales were a “very serious issue” for China, XXXXXXXXXXXX said. The Charge replied that there had been no change to our one China policy based on the three joint communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). In accordance with the TRA, the United States made available to Taiwan defense articles that allowed Taiwan to maintain a credible defense. The Charge urged China to take steps to reduce military deployments aimed at Taiwan)。

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